среда, 5 июня 2013 г.

Two-Bed Deionizer and Critical

Fruits and berries - fresh and dried fruits and buttercup mashed potatoes, jelly, jelly, mousse, jam. Soups - various soups, vegetables, cereals, pasta with vegetable broth or milk, fruit soups. Drinks - tea, weak coffee with milk, sour fruit and berry juice, tomato juice, broth hips. Fats - butter, vegetable oil (up to 50 grams a day). Meat and fish dishes - various articles of Urine Drug Screening beef, veal, lean fish, passed through a meat grinder, the best steamed, not for frying crumb, the souffle from the boiled meat, mince. Soups - buttercup mashed with potatoes, carrots, courgettes, pumpkin, semolina, oats, buckwheat, rice, noodles. Excluded are very hot and cold dishes. Fish dishes - a variety of lean fish (cod, perch, saffron cod, pike, carp, silver hake) in boiled or vapor form. Technology to Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Light dishes are boiled, baked, food salted normal. Milk and dairy products - low-fat cottage cheese freshly, steam souffle, three kefir, acidophilus milk, sour cream in a small quantities as a condiment. Fruit, berries and milliequivalent dishes - various fruits and berries, buttercup very sour, canned fruit, fruit drinks, buttercup (with tea), sugar, jam, honey. Meat and poultry - the product of lean beef, poultry boiled or baked after boiling, whole or chopped. Eating recommended four times a day, in the same clock. Cereals and pasta - pureed porridge with water or fat-free broth - rice, oats, buttercup from cereal flour, in the form of baked puddings and meatballs from cereals without rough crust, pasta and noodles boiled. Resolved: Bread and flour products: white bread, or dried from yesterday's baking flour 1 st and 2 nd grades, in the form of biscuits, savory crackers. Milk and dairy products - milk, tea, condensed milk, dry curd low-fat, cream in a small amount, mild cheeses (Dutch, etc.). Early wet greens, dill buttercup parsley finely shredded add various dishes. Juices - fruit, berry and vegetable raw juices in the form of heat, half diluted with water or tea in limited quantities. Prohibited: products and a warm biscuit dough, fatty meats and fish, salted, smoked, marinated, meat, fish and other Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulphate outlets canned food, sausages, cold drinks, ice cream, vegetables and fruit in its natural form, millet, barley, barley grits, coffee with milk, soft drinks, mustard, horseradish, pepper, mushrooms, chocolate products with cream and beans. Eggs and egg dishes - soft-boiled eggs to one per day, scrambled eggs and dishes. Especially recommended for cottage cheese and cheese products. Allowed: Yesterday's bread baking or dried wheat, rye, doctoral and other breads, biscuits nesdobnogo test.

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